Former Westerly Rotarian Dawn Robinson visited our group last Monday evening.  She is employed by Barnum Financial Group and their founder, Paul Blanco, established a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called Foundation for Life.  It's mission is "to improve the quality of life for the people and families we serve through actions that promote change and deepen connections within our community."  As they have done previously, partnering with Valenti Subaru, a very special event will occur at 4 Langworthy Road on May 18 beginning at 11:00am.  35 children have been selected by Elementary School Principals and invited to attend with their families for a celebration of the child's success in school.  Dinner was provided by Gourmet Caterers of Warwick.  The children participated in a pie contest and then invited to select their very own bicycle.  
Rotarians (Derin, Chant, Cal, Rona, Bob L, Rose) volunteered their morning to assist Dawn to make this event a complete success.  As in the past it is always a joy to see the faces on the littles ones who were the recipients of new bicycles.  This year the children and families were also invited to climb on the fire trucks, police cars and ambulance.