President Ted and Asst Governor Bob Cruz and Distr Governor Billy Roberts
It was a real pleasure to have Billy and Bob join us Monday evening to celebrate our Students. DG Billy decided to hand-deliver the District certificates that the Club was to receive at the District Conference. It was really very special that he would come all the way down to Westerly to deliver the following awards:
Longevity Member Awards to Vinny Gaccione - 62 years, Joseph Nigrelli - 54 years, and Doug Rayner - 51 years.
Presidential Award for Leadership Excellence
International Service Award for our projects - Water & Sanitation in Guatemala, Education in Chikumbuso, Reforest the Tropics in Costa Rica, and
Mexico Child welfare efforts
Vibrant Club & significant Achievement Award - featuring our efforts during Chorus of Westerly Summer Pops
District 7950 Public Image Award
and then Governor Billy added one of his own - Unsung Heroes Award - presented to Rose. This was such a surprise - an awesome surprise - and much appreciated award.
In spite of Covid we have accomplished much in this fiscal year. Be proud. Look forward. We have to get ready to make Steve's year just as accomplished and successful.