with installation of 2019/2020 officers. Guests included Past District Governor Valerie Perry, Past District Governor Bill Vangel, Betty Gallaghan from East Providence Rotary, Tina Vangel from Scituate Rotary, Marty & Bob Boughner, Jean Rayner, Anthony Russo. PDG Valerie installed our officers and PDG Bill presented District Awards - Presidential Award for Excellence (achieved15 of 21 requirements) and Public Image Award (achieved 5 of 7 requirements).

Newly installed 2019/2020 officers: Secr/Treas Rosemarie Russo, Vice President Ted Avedesian, President-Elect Rona Mann, President Kathryn Taylor, Immediate Past President Chris DiPaola, and PDG Valerie Perry. Missing are Directors at large Steve Cofone and Kristina Dimova.
And two awards were received for our very special members - the District's Service Longevity Awards to Joe Nigrelli for 50 years of service and Vinnie Gaccione for 58 years of service.

President-Elect Rona Mann presented our newest Paul Harris Fellow - a young man who was recognized by the Board for his example of "service above self" with his willingness to help whenever needed whether selling lemonade at Summer Pops or setting up the projector and screen for a guest speaker - this editor's son, Anthony. Mom could not have been more proud. When asked to say a few words, Anthony replied that he really didn't know what to say except "thank you". He said he was "just a truck driver" and did what Mom asked of him.

And then all Paul Harris Fellows stood together