Mark Gordon, formerly with Warm Center and St Vincent dePaul, has recently become the Homeless Liaison for Westerly Public Schools.  Due to the McKeeney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987, this Federal law was concerned with homeless students getting proper services - provides that they have the right to attend the school they were attending when the family became homeless.  All school systems have a person covering the position of Homeless Liaison to help parents negotiate the issues.  Homeless means not in a permanent residence but living in a motel, tent, car.  Mark said that lack of affordable housing in Westerly is the primary cause for this situation.  He said that most parents are actually working but in low wage jobs earning the minimum hourly wage of $11.50 which makes it difficult to cover housing, insurance, food etc.  Mark said that 9.34% are at the poverty level.  Most get temporary support through social services of Warm Center, Jonnycake Center and St. Vincent DePaul.
Did you know that the average one bedroom apartment costs $950 per month, a two bedroom apartment is $1,600, a three bedroom apartment is $1,800-$2,000.  Mark said that the School Activities Fund #88 is available to accept donations with funds being used to help with housing, clothing needs.  Contact him at for further information.