The following is an excerpt from PDG Kristine David's District 7950 Rotary Foundation Report:
"Last year at this time, cash donations to the PolioPlus Fund totaled $53,829.  To Date 36 out of our 65 clubs have donated to the PolioPlus Fund for a total of only $24,044.29.  The decrease in cash donations has been reported in many Districts around the world as clubs have not been meeting in person or able to hold fundraising events.
Districts are also asked to donate a minimum of 20% of their yearly allocation of District Designated Funds (DDF) to support the PolioPlus Fund by June 30.  DDFs donated to PolioPlus are matched 100% by the Rotary Foundation and then matched again by the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation for a total match of 6:1.  Starting on July 1, 2021, the Rotary Foundation will be reducing their match of these funds from 100% to 50%, and then that amount will be matched by 2:1 by the Gates match.
Due to the decrease in these cash donations to PolioPlus, and the change in how the Rotary Foundation will be matching DDF, Past Rotary International President John Germ and the Past Rotary International Vice President Michael McGovern reached out to all the 535 District Governors asking each district to donate any unused funds to PolioPlus by June 30.  Governor Charlene approved the transfer of $61,115 of DDF to the PolioPlus Fund this year.  That amount will be matched by the Rotary Foundation as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation by 6:1 or $366,690.
Over the next four weeks, I urge all club Presidents, Club Foundation Chairs and Rotarians to go to the Rotary website and donate just $10 to support the PolioPlus Fund.  Having our district have 100% of clubs donate something to PolioPlus will be the biggest thank you we can give to Governor Charlene for her leadership through this Rotary year."