Peace & Justice Committee of Rotary Club of Westerly     
Our Vision:  We seek to create, locally and globally, a culture of peace in which the inherent worth and dignity of every living being is honored and respected and conflicts are resolved nonviolently.
Our Mission:  To create activities, programs and projects focused on creating a culture of peace as well as working with other community groups and organizations engaged in similar endeavors.
Link to Frank Thacker's Daily Peacemaker:  Facebook
Peace Pole dedication 22Oct2018
Rotary's Four Roles in Promoting Peace (from
Practitioners:  Our work fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, improving the health of mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies directly builds the optimal conditions for peaceful societies.
Educators:  Our Rotary Peace Centers (seven of them) have trained more than 1,700 peace fellows to become effective catalysts for peace through careers in government, education, and international organizations.
Mediators:  Our members have negotiated humanitarian ceasefires in areas of conflict to allow polio vaccinators to reach children who are at risk.
Advocates:  Our members have an integral role as respected, impartial participants during peace processes and in post-conflict reconstruction.  We focus on creating communities and convening groups that are connected, inclusive and resilient.
Rotary Action Group for Peace Memo
"Rotary's history reminds us that peace is not passive - it is built, nurtured, and sustained through intentional action.  Today, as members of the Rotary Action Group for Peace, we continue this mission by:  empowering communities with sustainable peace projects, equipping future leaders through Rotary Peace Fellowships, strengthening Peacebuilder Clubs to amplify local and global impact and using our vocations to create solutions for conflict and inequality."
"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are and Something you give away."